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: pt wrz 06, 2013 20:06 pm
autor: Adam
Intrada dziś ogłosiła jakie nazwiska będą wydawane w jej specjalnej serii z Disneyem - patrząc na nazwiska i na wytwórnie filmowe, łatwo wytypować tytuły 8)

Yes, a terrific flow of releases is now on the table with Disney and us, but please keep in mind those vaults (which include Disney, Touchstone, Hollywood Pictures and so forth) are pretty deep and have literally thousands of rolls of tape to yield. Searches are underway, elements are being restored, legal terms and artist estate requirements are being scrutinized, dozens of projects are being developed as I write... but it will take time to even begin hitting everyone's personal favorites. And we plan on tackling more of our own favorites as well. We have no plans to end with our beloved Goldsmith's, Horner's, Barry's, Steiner's, Zimmer's, Bernstein's, Jarre's, McNeely's and whatnot. Our ongoing list of names ranges from Oliver Wallace to Ron Goodwin, from Paul J. Smith to Bruce Broughton, from George Bruns to Johnny Mandel, from... well, you get the idea. Hang in there.
